Miss J Creative Consulting & Acting Classes

Acting for Influencers

About Miss J

Julia was born and raised in the sunshine state of Southern California. She went on to study at Howard University (where she received her Bachelors in Theatre Arts), Oxford University, and The National Theater Conservatory, where she earned her Masters. Julia has also studied Women in Film and Media Arts at the University of California-Berkeley.

After taking time off from her acting career to raise her young son, eventually Julia found herself coaching many of her friends and colleagues and their own talented children.

While teaching at Orange County School of the Arts & Acting Academy for Kids, Julia has coached and shaped the careers of young actors and artists in some of Hollywood's most prominent films & TV shows, such as America's Got Talent, American Idol, and So You Think You Can Dance. Her clients are everywhere from HBO to Nickelodeon. Julia has also worked with Shots Studios and she currently teaches a YouTube creator studio class.

Julia's strong passion for acting and encouraging others led her to create this online studio for all actors to learn how to mold an engaging environment within the space that is given, create great self tapes, utilize a range of different emotions, make stronger choices in their work, improve their listening skills, and most importantly, being comfortable with and believing in themselves.

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I ❤️ Miss J! 😊 we made great short films in her class.
Aaliya M.
(Emmy award-winning young actress)
We had so much fun in her class and the freedom to be silly.
West M.
(Legion, Fresh Off The Boat)
Brilliant to just talk to about auditions and keeping your head right.
Vauxhall J.
(Rig45, Peter Rabbit)
I trust Miss J with everything!
Jeffrey L.